Saturday 19 February 2011

Excitation Barking

People often have the misconception that barking dogs are dangerous, dominant, aggressive and perhaps irritating. Although it may be true in certain cases, it is also important for us to understand that barking is a way of communication for our dogs. There are many reasons that can cause our dogs to bark, therefore it is necessary for all genuine dog lovers to understand and differentiate the different types of barking of our dogs. This can be easily acquired by observing how your dog response to different situations. Having a good knowledge will enable us to understand our dogs and understanding will provide us with greater insight and patience towards them.

One of the most common phenomenon observed in dogs is excitation barking. It is our dog's way of expressing his happiness or an expectation that something good is about to happen. Common examples of this is when the owner return home or when there are guest around. However it is important to note here that our dogs are not designed by nature to behave in this manner, it is usually us that conditioned them to behave like that knowingly or unknowingly.

Excitation barking is usually a high frequency barking that may sometime sound a little hysterical. And because of the excitation energy, the dog will be unable to keep still and would instead be running around, jumping  up and down or could even be running in circle. Although our dogs should never be punished for this, it is nonetheless important that we correct his behavior and replace that with something that is calmer. In the steady state they should be conditioned to stop barking whenever you are home or when there are guests approaching. There are many ways that people used to deal with their dog's excitation barking issues. Some will give their dogs a chew toy and others would distract their dog by getting him to play fetch. In my opinion those are rather effective quick fix but does not do anything to help correct our dog's behavior.

When I had my second toy poodle, Teddy, I realized that he was showing signs of excitation barking whenever I return home or when my family members are at my gates. What I did after some trial and researching was to condition him to associate that he will not receive anything from us when he is excited. What I did was to totally ignore him when I return and gave my attention to my other dogs who are calmer, while he was barking with all his might in his crate. Eventually he got tired and began to calm down, and that is the time when I would open him from his crate and let him walk over to me. But I refrain from giving attention because I have to create and deepen his association of calmness equal to affection. So I would make him sit until he is calm, he would usually go to the down position when he is fully relax, and that is when I reinforce his association with my affection.

The steps are pretty simple but requires lots of patience.
1. Ignore your dog.
2. If he is jumping, running around or hysterical, leash him up and get him into a sit position and eventually a down position.
3. A dog that is not used to it will show initial resistance by jumping, whining, barking, but you have to stand firm. Because if you back away, he will associate his action equals to you backing away and him having his way.
4. Stand firm and let him resist. He will soon get tired out and would eventually submit and go into the down position.
5. Remove the leash when he is totally relax and calm and showing him affection so that he can associate calm and relax equal affection and attention.

What about guest? While the drill is pretty much the same. The idea is to get your dog into a calm and relax state before opening the doors and welcoming your guests in. The way I do it is as follows:
1. Walk to the door and put myself between my dogs and the door. This is to tell them that I am in control.
2. I will then get my dogs into a calm state where they will usually go into a sit position.
3. Never open the doors or gets while they are in an excited mood.
4. Anytime while I am in the process of inviting my guest in I will stop and correct them immediately so that they can make the association that I am not approving he behavior.
5. There is no need for yelling or shouting, just a firm touch at their sides will snap them out of their focus.
6. Correct them by making them sit and calming themselves down. I will only return my attention to my guests when my dogs are fully relax.
7. Always inform my guest if they are coming for the first time that they must ignore my dogs totally when they are coming in. Allow my dogs to smell them and once they are comfortable around my guest they will relax and that is the time when my guest starts to interact with them.

While training your dog, it is always beneficial to have the end in mind and always be calm so that your calmness can induce a calming effect on your dog. And remember that persistence and patience is the key to successfully changing your dog's excitation barking behavior.

Recommended reads:
Barking: The Sound of a Language (Dogwise Training Manual)
Calming Signals: What Your Dog Tells You
Scaredy Dog! Understanding & Rehabilitating Your Reactive Dog

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