Tuesday 15 February 2011

Caring For Your Dog's Teeth

Our dogs like us, should receive professional dental care on a regular basis. However having a good dental care program at home will significantly reduced the number of visit to the professional groomer. With proper routine care and a committed owner, many of the dental diseases related to dogs can be easily prevented.

Below are some of the things I do to keep my dogs' teeth strong and healthy:
1. Avoid feeding them any kind of bones. The basic principle here is not give them anything that is harder than their teeth. Provide them with the proper chew toys made of rubber or rawhide.
2. Brush their teeth every two days using a dedicated toothpaste that is made for dogs.
3. Consider putting them on a kibble diet, as the dry kibbles are rather rough and can help clean the dog's teeth whilst he is chewing on it.
4. Schedule a visit to the vet annually for checkup and cleaning.

There are a great number of tooth cleaning products out in the market that promise to keep our dog's teeth clean and sparkling white. Some of these are for general cleaning while some are specially designed to target dogs who are suffering from certain dental diseases. Therefore it is important to read the labels before making any purchase. Some manufacturers use oxygenating substance to reduce the growth of anaerobic bacterial while some other use substances such as chlorhexidine which has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Always consult the vet on the toothpaste to use, especially if your dog is suffering from dental diseases.

For general day to day cleaning, a tablespoon (14g) of baking soda and a teaspoon of water (5ml) can be added to the toothpaste. This is to help enhance cleaning via the abrasive action of the baking soda. Depending on the breed of your dog, you may either use a dog toothbrush or a finger brush where you insert your finger into. Personally I prefer to use the finger brush as it allows me to reach further and feel the teeth of my dogs. However there are some friends of mine who are jittery about using finger brush as they are afraid that their dogs might accidentally bite on their finger. Well for me, its all about energy like what I have mentioned in my previous articles. Start with the end in mind and always project a calm aura and you will most likely be able to get the full cooperation of your dog.

The way I brush my dog's teeth is as follows:
1. Lift the lips and rub the toothpaste on the gum and teeth in a circular motion.
2. Hold the toothbrush parallel to the teeth and angle the brush to 45 degree angle.
3. Brush in small circle overlapping the teeth and gum.
4. Clean and brush the portion where the tooth is attached to the gum.

This is all there is to brushing your dog's teeth and keeping them clean. It is best to start the brushing routine at a young age where the gum and teeth are at the healthiest. Remember to always make the session as enjoy and as positive as possible. Never force it upon them. If you are experiencing difficulties getting your dog to accept brushing his teeth, trying bring him out for a walk, making him tired. He will be in a calmer and more receptive state and if you approach him in the correct manner and project the calm and assertive energy to him, you will definitely succeed.

Toothpaste that my dogs like:
Four Paws Dental Toothpaste
Four Paws Dental Toothpaste (chicken flavored)

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